
an art trading game discord bot

Attack Commands

  • victim the user the attack is for
  • message a message for the victim, cannot be longer than 250 characters
  • image the attack image, must be PNG, JPEG, or GIF and not exceed 4MB
  • num_of_characters the total number of characters in an attack

After executing this command, the bot will ask you to choose your attack type for several categories. This is used to calculate the final point count. Once the user submits the attack, the image is uploaded to our backup server and the attack notification message is sent. The attacker will also receive a private message telling them their attack's ID.

  • attack_id the ID of the attack to add characters to
  • character_name the name of the character, cannot be longer than 250 characters
  • character_url a link to the character, cannot be longer than 250 characters

This command is used after an attack is created to add a character to the attack.

  • attack_id the ID of the attack to be chained, whichever attack was done in retaliation

This is used to chain together two existing attacks. Once this command is executed, the bot will find all available hits that the attack can be chained to. Attacks can only be chained to another attack if the victim of one attack is the attacker of the other attack, the attack it is being chained to occurred before the attack, and the attack it is being chained to happened in the same server.

This is a premium user command.
  • attack_id the ID of the attack to be shown or hidden

This command toggles the visibility of an attack. When an attack is submitted, the default visibility is False. Setting the visibility to True will allow the attack to be visible on this site and allow other users to view the attack with /viewattack.

  • attack_id the ID of the attack to be viewed

This command allows users to view information about an attack. Unless the visibility of the attack is set to public, attacks can only be viewed if the user sends the command in the same server the attack was sent in.

  • attack_id the ID of the attack to be deleted

This command allows users to delete attacks they've created. This command can also be used by server admins to delete inappropriate or rule-breaking attacks.

Profile Commands

  • user (optional) the member whose profile you want to view

This command shows you the profile of the user if the argument is provided or your own profile if no argument is provided. The profile will shows the Server Points, Total Points, Hit Points (points you have scored minus points others have scored against you). It will also show you your total attacks, hits, and the most recent attack you sent in the server.

  • user (optional) the member whose attacks you want to view
  • view_global (optional) whether to show all or just server attacks

This command shows you the attacks of the user if the argument is provided or your own attacks if no argument is provided. This will only show you attacks sent in the server the command is sent in unless the global argument is provided. If showing attacks of another user with global set to True, only server and public attacks will be shown.

  • user (optional) the member whose hits you want to view
  • view_global (optional) whether to show all or just server hits

This command shows you the hits (attacks scored against a user) of the user if the argument is provided or your own hits if no argument is provided. This will only show you hits sent in the server the command is sent in unless the global argument is provided. If showing hits of another user with global set to True, only server and public hits will be shown.

  • username the username you would like to be called

This command sets a global username to be displayed on your profile and site (if premium member). Usernames are not unique.

  • tagline the tagline you would like to have displayed on your profile

This command sets a global tagline to be displayed on your profile.

Server Boost Commands

These are commands related to Server Boosting.


This command lets you view how many boosts you have available. More information on what boosting does can be found here.

  • num_of_boosts how many boosts you want to use on the server

This command lets you boost the server you use the command in. More information on what boosting does can be found here.

  • num_of_boosts how many boosts you want to remove from a server

This command lets you unboost the server you use the command in. More information on what boosting does can be found here.

Misc Commands


This command will show your server's boost status and some other miscellaneous stats.

  • is_global (optional) whether or not you want to view all ArtScuffle users in the leaderboard
  • point_type (optional) whether to sort by total points, server points, or hit points

This command lets you view the leaderboard. Optional arguments let users view all ArtScuffle users across all servers and order the leaderboard by total points (across all servers), server points (points accumulated in one server), or hit points (attack points subtracted by hit points).

Admin Commands

These attacks can only be executed if the user has Administrator permissions in the server.


This command will clear all attacks sent in the server and restart the ArtScuffle event. Please note that this command will also delete all the attack images stored in the backup server, so make sure all server members have saved their attacks and hits before resetting.