
an art trading game discord bot

User Premium


A User Premium subscription applies to your Discord account and increases your daily limit of attacks, as well as gives you access to premium only commands. The full list of benefits include:

  • Upload up to 20 attacks a day, compared to the 5 given to regular users
  • Ability to use /toggle
  • More TBD...

Server Boost


A Server Boost increases the total attack limit a server has by 500 for each boost up until 10 boosts are given to a server. Once a server reaches 10 boosts, the cap for attacks becomes unlimited. For unboosted servers, the attack limit is 150.

  • Multiple subscriptions may be bought
  • To use subscription, use /boost in the server you would like to boost
  • Boosts can be transferred by using /unboost
  • When subscriptions change/expire, servers may get automatically unboosted! You can check your boosts with /myboosts

One-Time Donation

If you would like to support the development of ArtScuffle, you can also donate directly to the project through ko-fi. For donations over $20, you can choose a username and social media handle to be displayed on our Special Thanks page. Please include this information with your donation!

All donations help ArtScuffle stay afloat, a cost breakdown of what it takes to run ArtScuffle can be found here.

Thank you!

Please log in with Discord to complete your purchase.Log In