
an art trading game discord bot

Quickstart Guide

This guide serves as a quick overview as how to get the bot and an ArtScuffle event set up in your server!

Server Set-up

Before even inviting the bot, there are some things you have to decide for you server-specific event.

1. Decide on server specific rules. These can be about what characters can be drawn (original or fandom or both), the type of art that can be done (do you want to allow all types?), and general comfort levels (does your server have more stringent or less stringent policies on sexual or gorey content?)

You can also use these rules to change the style of the game, for example, you can enforce revenges or use the bot to track Secret Santa points.

2. Create channels to advertise or find characters to draw!

The image on the right shows a forum setup for finding characters. Server members can post quick ads showcasing which characters they are comfortable with having drawn, which characters they prefer having drawn, or even ads asking for characters to be designed/redesigned.

Although not necessary, server members should be encouraged to post a link to their character (suggested character storage sites are, CharacterHub, and Google Docs). This is so character links can be added through /addcharacter.

Bot Set-up

3. Once your server rules and character finding channels are set up, it's time to invite the bot! The bot can be invited either through the invite link at the top of this page, or through

4. Have fun and draw something for someone else!

5. Once your art is done, you can submit your art using the /attack command.

The bot will ask you a few questions about your attack and calculate your point total based on that!

6. Finally, using the ID given by the bot (ex. the bot will caption the attack Attack 12, the ID is then 12), you can use /addcharacter to link the attack back to the character you drew, /chain to connect the attack to one you received before (use the ID of the attack YOU submitted for this, the bot will find hits against you automatically), or /toggle to make your attack visible on the front page of this site.

Happy ArtScuffling!